WE CHINESE DANCETECH was established in 2017, in response to the increasing public interests to Chinese culture and arts. Our ultimate goals include Dance, Dance-related Photography & Filmography, and Dance-based Technology. We intend to bring the most inspiring and fascinating traditional Chinese dance and the most peculiar Chinese folk dance to publicity. Our dancing instructors are highly experienced and full of passion. Classes including photography & filmography shooting as final products of the term. The memory of dancing can be best kept in such unique and creative media. Dance performing should not be constricted to theatre or stage. Inspired by the rapid technological evolution, our team includes dancers with the most competitive academic experiences of interactive dance performance. Several products or dance-assistive tools are currently under development and will be released soon. Subscribe to us and witness the next era of dance performance.
舞忆工作室(We Chinese Dancetech)成立于2017年,是一家专注于华族培训的舞蹈工作室。工作室师资专业,课程系统,服务人性化,致力于传播与推广中国传统舞蹈文化。工作室成立以来,已推出特色课程:成人课程-身韵系列 & 舞蹈剧目;儿童课程-《中国民族民间舞等级考试》系列 & 精品比赛班。同时,工作室提供1-1私人小课,舞蹈摄像摄影,商业演出,公司活动舞蹈编排,中小学幼儿园课外兴趣班(CCA & Enrichment)合作等服务。工作室亦尝试将传统舞蹈文化艺术与现代科技有机结合,涉及“科技与艺术”跨学科领域,向“创意科技舞蹈”努力发展。
STUDIO ❃ 工作室简介

Ms. Cindy Chen
Singapore MOE registered dance instructor
Graduated from Beijing Normal University (Student with Special Artistic Talent - Dance)
With certification in Grade 1 - 12 of "The Chinese Ethnic Folk Dance Grade Examination" (CEFDGE)
A Distinguished A-level Certificate of Dance from Tsinghua University
试 - “一级优秀”成绩
Special A-level Certificate of Dance from Beijing Normal University
生考试 - “一级优秀”成绩
Distinguished artistic consultant of HongKong Skydancers Dance Troupe
Senior instructor with more than 9 years of teaching experiences
Strong academic background in interactive dance performance